Student-led registered charity working to support youth facing homelessness

Our Mission

Our goal is to foster relationships and partnerships among the Kingston and Queen’s University community by educating and inspiring youth to advocate for their peers in-need.

Formulating a sense of belonging and de-stigmatizing adolescents aligns with our mission of ensuring that no child is left behind, and neither are their belongings. 

Our Contribution to Date

  • 254

    Backpacks and bags distributed to youth across Ontario.

  • 37

    Companies and community partners who have supported our organization.

  • 7

    Bag drives held for youth experiencing homelessness.

“We observed the incredible work they have put into co-creating Bags of Promise. This accomplishment has not only impacted those in need, but has also been an incredible example of how future women leaders can make a difference in our society.”

Jason and Lynda McDonell, Executive VP Advance Auto Parts and Founder of Pique Prosperity

“They are ambitious and driven, while being thoughtful and focused. As someone who co-founded Boat Rocker with a friend nearly twenty years ago, these are qualities that I recognize as being valuable and promising.”

David Fortier, Co-Executive Chairman of Boat Rocker Media

Our Bag Drives